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The Llama Underground Network

Where the Llamas Go!

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Welcome folks to the Llama Underground Network. Where the Llamas go! I'd just like to say: Have a great time here! He he! As you all know, I'm Charlie Llama, professor at Charlie Llama Research Institute (CLRI). If you ever like to join us here please don't hesitate to email me here!

What's New:     Back to Top


    The CLRI page has been updated. Link World is open for you to advertise your site for free! Also, you people should go to IQuestGlobal.com. It is another great site that Llamas love!

Facts about Llamas:     Back to Top

In the early 17th century Llamas were evolving. They went from just being a Llama to a bigger, better Llama. Over the years they developed highly sophisticated brains (with the help of aliens). Llamas thrived in the Peruvian Plains and they started doing lots of different Llama things like cook their favorite recipes and watch TV. Most Llamas already bought their first 60 inch HDTV set from the nearest Wal-Mart. Sometimes you may catch Llamas walking into theaters and buying non-alcoholic beer topped with popcorn. Some Llamas like to dress up as humans and by grass sprinkled with cheese in the nearest Safeway. Llama society includes hundreds of members. They have a meeting once a week in order to discuss very informative topics and to talk about their week's events. The topic mostly discussed is "grass." Sometimes Llamas just love grass so much that they will pay a million dollars to order a lifetime load of grass delivered to their door every morning by the Llama Grass Express. Continue on into the site to view more in-depth information about these hairy creatures from the Peruvian Plains!

Hear special Llama soundz!!


Favorite Llama Recipes:     Back to Top

Grass: 1 cup of non-alcoholic beer. 20 lbs. of fresh grass. Mix and sprinkle with blue cheese.

Grass Cakes: 1 cup of non-alcoholic beer. 9 cups of cut grass. 4 cups of year-old flour. 1 lb of blue cheese. Mix in mixer and bake a 800 degrees F for 15 minutes!

Grass Delight: 1 cup of blue cheese. 2 cups of day-old popcorn. 5 lbs of grass. Mix and stir in 5 lbs. of butter. Microwave until it starts to explode. Eat on a big Llama dish. Buy Llama dishes here!


Daily Activities:     Back to Top

Charlie Llama's schedule:

    5:30            Get out of Llama bed (buy here) 

    6:00            Eat grass (buy here)

    6:30            Talk with other Llamas about TV shows

    8:00            Eat grass (buy here)

    9:00            Watch TV (buy here)

    12:00          Eat more grass (buy here)

    1:30            Drive to McDonalds (but didn't get any grass)

    2:45            Read "All about Llamas" by Joe Grass

    4:00            Watch "Llama Matters" on TV (buy here)

    5:00            Eat 6 Grass Cakes from cook book (buy here)

    6:00            Watch some more TV (buy here)

    7:00            Surf the web for Llama sites (see bellow)

    9:30            Get back into Llama bed (buy here)

    10:00          Nite Nite!


Llama FAQ:     Back to Top

Q: What do Llamas do best?

They are very good at being a good llama. They are good at eating grass and other delights from the Llama Food Society (LFS) menu. They are also very good at playing Llamaball (a very popular sport in Llama society).

Q: Do Llamas like watching TV?

Yes, they love watching Llama movies like "Llama Run", and "The Llama Returns."

Q: What do Llamas wear?

Some Llamas like to buy cheap suits from "The Llama's Warehouse." Some Llamas dress casual with bow-ties and Mexican hats.

Q: Why do Llamas like grass?

What's wrong with grass. It tastes much better with non-alcoholic beer spilled on top.

Q: What is a Llama's favorite food?

That would be grass, especially with the recipes above!


Llama Jokes:     Back to Top

Submitted by Charlie Llama: Don't drink and drive, otherwise you might spill some beer. If you want to risk it buy cheap beer.

Submitted by Chen Xie: There are 3 squirrels in a tree. Why did the first one jump out? (He dropped his nuts on the ground) Why did the second one jump out? (He was stapled to the first one) Finally, why did the third one jump out? (Peer Pressure).

Submitted by Chen Xie: "Burr, it is cool out here!" said Charlie. "Yeah! It is negative 40 degrees out here!" said the professor. "But is that Celsius or Fahrenheit?" replied Charlie. Hahahahahahahaha!


Media:     Back to Top

Here are just a few favorites in Llama society.

    Favorite Llama Melodies:

        "Old McDonald had a Llama"

        "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Llama"

        "Llama Song"


        "Alice in Llamaland"

        "Llama Run"

        "The Llama Returns"

        "Llama Park"

        "The Lost Llama"

        "Llama Park III"

        "Crouching Llama, Hidden Dragon"


A Little Llama Survey:     Back to Top

Llama Survey #1

Is this site funky?


Current Results
Llama Survey #2
What do Llama's like best?

Eating Grass
Watching TV
Playing Llamanium
Calling all Llamas

Current Results



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This site was built and maintained by Charlie Llama of CLRI (Charlie Llama's Research Institute)